How much is the cost for a general funeral ceremony?

The fee for arranging a funeral ceremony in TWGHs International Funeral Parlour/Diamond Hill Funeral Parlour/ Diamond Hill Funeral Parlour ranges from a few thousand to as much as a few hundred thousand dollars per case. The funeral services consultants can provide a funeral budget according to the user’s needs so as to ensure all funeral arrangements are well prepared for the deceased. For those with financial difficulties, the three funeral parlours also provide ceremonial package at a nominal price for deceased CSSA recipients and free services for those with devastating economic situations.


What are the differences between TWGHs International Funeral Parlour/Diamond Hill Funeral Parlour/ Global Funeral Parlour and Coffin Shop?

All funeral services provided by TWGHs International Funeral Parlour/Diamond Hill Funeral Parlour/ Global Funeral Parlour are reasonably priced and clearly stated. Commissions and tips are not allowed. Mourners can call the enquiry hotline or directly contact staffs at both parlours to receive assistance. Moreover, the purchase of coffins at these three funeral parlour includes the use of funeral hall/reposing room, transport of the deceased, undertakers and hearse etc.


Apart from cash, is there any other payment method?

At the convenience of the visitors, TWGHs International Funeral Parlour, Diamond Hill Funeral Parlour and Global Funeral Parlour first accept the use of credit card. Users could pay the service fees by cash, credit card or bank draft.


Where is the office for applying for required documents and booking the cremation service?

Two joint offices were set up by the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department, Immigration Department and Department of Health, to handle the applications for required documents and booking of cremation service.

Hong Kong Island Office

18/F, Wu Chung House, 
213 Queen’s Road East, 
Wan Chai
Tel: 2961 8842

Kowloon Office

1/F, Cheung Sha Wan Government Offices,
303 Cheung Sha Wan Road,
Tel: 2150 7502

International, Diamond Hill and Global Funeral Parlours have situated staffs at Hong Kong Island Office to assist mourners for applications.


What are the ways to dispose the cremated ashes?

Cremated ashes may be disposed at the following ways:

  • Deposited at a columbarium managed by the government
  • Deposited at the columbarium of a private cemetery
  • Scattered at designated waters
  • Scattered in a garden of remembrance managed by the government